Oke friend i will give you some magic trick about The Changing Card
A card is selected by one of the audience and when replaced is put in the middle of the pack. Placing the little finger of his left hand under this card the performer makes the "pass," and brings it to the bottom of the pack, which is then shuffled, but the selected card is kept at the bottom. The pack, backs upward, is held in the left hand, which is kept flat, the thumb at one side, the fingers at the other. Then, with the thumb and second finger of the right hand the pack, with the exception of the bottom card, is shoved forward slightly so that this card protrudes about an inch at the lower end as shown in Fig. 62. The front of the pack is lifted a trifle, the better to conceal this. The selected card is then ordered to pass to the top of the pack, and the performer, taking off the top card, shows it and asks whether that is the one that was drawn. The answer, of course, is "No." "Then," he continues, "it may, possibly, have traveled to the bottom," and he shows the bottom card. In showing it he takes hold of the end of the pack with the right hand and turns it over completely, as shown in Fig. 63, so that the faces of the cards are upward. The pack remains in the left hand. When he shows the visible card, which is supposed to be the one that was originally at the bottom, that, also, is declared not to be the selected card. It will be apparent to our readers, who by this time must have fairly good ideas of how some tricks are done, that the real bottom card which protruded from the lower end of the pack, was not turned over with the other cards, and is now back to back with the rest of the pack. The performer turns the pack to its original position, being careful, however, to keep it upright as the selected card which is now on top, face upward, must be concealed. Picking up the top card again he asks the person who drew the card whether he is certain that the card shown is not his. Of course the answer will again be that it is not. Instead of one card, however, the performer picked up two, holding them as one. Laying down the pack, he takes the two cards for a moment between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand at the upper left hand corner so as to allow his right hand to shift its position by taking the cards between the thumb and second finger, as shown in Fig. 64.
Now, when it is asserted that the card shown is not the selected one, he says he knows no other way out of the difficulty except by changing the card. "What was your card, sir?" he asks, and being told, he bids the card to change. His command is obeyed instantly, the card between his fingers being now the one that was drawn. This change is brought about in this way: While the two cards are held by their edges the tip of the forefinger presses against the center of the hinder card. By bringing the thumb and second finger together the cards are curved outwardly at the center and at last the second finger releases its hold and the thumb and forefinger clip the cards between them. This will cause the cards to make a semi-revolution, bringing the card that was at the rear to face the audience, as shown in Fig 65. The left hand takes the cards away from the right to square them up in case they should not cover each other perfectly.
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